In this article you will learn what aquaponics is and how you can produce sustainable fish and vegetables at home. Here is what you are about to learn: What is aquaponics and how it works The different aquaponics techniques What quantity of food can aquaponics produce...
The fish biomass correspond to the total weight of fish present in an aquaponics fish tank. But why do we calculate the fish biomass? Knowing your Fish tank total biomass is important. For the reason that this value will be necessary for the management of your...
Cold water fish such as trout can be easily grown in winter. However, they struggle when the temperature increase above 22C. In this article I will share few tricks, you will learn how to keep trout alive in summer. Oxygen and water temperature to keep trout alive in...
An aquaponics raft in the fish pond? Yes you can transform a fish pond into a nice aquaponics system with this simple technique! All you need is a foam raft and semi aquatic plants. Many aquaponics enthusiast would like to experiment DWC also...
Watercress (scientific name: Nasturtium officinale) is a semi aquatic plant. It’s a productive plant, well adapted to aquaponics. Shallow roots The watercress roots system is well developped on the media surface. In fact, roots devellop on the whole stemp...
let’s explore the possibilities to produce our homemade fish food! We will see why it’s so important to find a sustainable alternative to classic aquaculture fish food pellet. Then we will go through experiments to grow vegetable and insect live fish food....
Aquaponics consist of growing fish and plants in an ecosystem. In this article we will focus on the aquaponics fish. Here is what you will learn: The role of fish in aquaponics Choosing the right fish species of fish for aquaponics The fish tank What quantity of...
An aquaponics system can be much more than plastic tanks. Here we will tackle aquaponics from a new holistic approach. That is to say, we will integrate new functions to the ecosystem. “Holistic aquaponics” is born from a need to go one step further with...
When I started aquaponics, the aquaponics aesthetic was not a priority. I was very focused by the technicality of the system. My aim was to keep the fish alive and grow plants. I started to put things together and as I reached my goal, I wanted to have more setups...
Aquaponics cuttings work very well since the aquaponics environment offers moisture, nutrients and a good aeration. You will find here my recommendations to improve your success rate. Different ways to propagate plants: 1 Sexual propagation sowing seeds We use...